The Dangers in My Heart, popularly known as Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu is a rather unconventional romance manga series. The premise is seemingly quite dark, which can act as a bit of a barrier for those who wish to explore this series. The manga revolves around a young boy named Kyoutaro Ichikawa who constantly fantasizes about killing his classmates. His prime target happens to be Anna Yamada who is at the top of the social ladder in the class. She also happens to be a model and an idol which makes her incredibly popular.
But, the actual manga in itself is quite light-hearted. Anna Yamada is known to those who who have read the manga or watched the first season of The Dangers in My Heart. She is one of the main characters in the series. Given that this is a slice-of-life romance manga, she will eventually be in a relationship with one of the students, which has been revealed in the manga. Let’s understand who that person is, and look at the dynamics of the said relationship in The Dangers in My Heart.
Disclaimer: This article contains massive spoilers from The Dangers in My Heart manga chapters.
Who does Yamada end up with in The Dangers in My Heart? Yamada is in a relationship with Kyoutaro Ichikawa, one of the main characters of the series. Yamada confessed her romantic feelings for him, and the two ended up dating each other. This was revealed in chapter 113 of the manga series. This seems rather odd, but exploring their relationship from when they first met will help us understand why Anna Yamada is currently in a romantic relationship with Kyoutaro Ichikawa.
Things were quite difficult during the initial stages of the story because of Yamada’s perception of men. She finds it incredibly hard to trust them and doesn’t prefer interacting with them in general. The reason for this was her past interactions. In The Dangers in My Heart manga, it was revealed that her looks attracted shallow men who only liked her for superficial reasons.
At first, Yamada encountered Ichikawa in the library when she was eating snacks. Naturally, she was afraid that he would snitch on her. But the interactions that took place between the two enabled her to warm up to him. During the course of the manga, she slowly started getting comfortable around him, even when things got very awkward. The two individuals in question have polar opposite personalities. One is introverted and extremely awkward, while the other is incredibly outgoing.
Yamada has repeatedly used unconventional methods to get closer to Ichikawa and even displayed jealousy when she saw him with other girls. She quickly grew fond of him and was quite affectionate towards him.
Ichikawa’s shy and introverted tendencies worked in his favor since he came off as rather mysterious and aloof, yet incredibly kind. During the course of the manga, she also understood Ichikawa’s social anxiety and tried to help him by creating scenarios that would force him to socialize to a considerable degree. Eventually, Yamada confessed her feelings and the two are dating each other.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.
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